
-"Nakiva, how did you tear your pants?"-

Yesterday was a snow day. Beautiful, wonderful, restful snow day. I think I was praising the Lord all day for it.

Despite the bliss of cancelled classes, I still had to present myself at work at 7:15am. So much for sleeping in.

I arrived at work precisely 1 minute late. 7:16. No sooner had I grabbed my keys, inventory sheet, and cart, that I found myself being cornered by an Aramark cook.

"Are you opening the coffee shop this morning?"
"Aren't you late?"
"By 1 minute."
"Bethany's looking for you."
"She's up at the coffee shop opening for you."

oh, heaven's perfect bliss! Bethany, the head honcho of Aramark, is upset with me. NOT a pretty picture. I gathered my needed supplies and began the trek over to the coffee shop. Let me just say, pushing a massively heavy cart up an ice and snow coated hill is NOT quite my idea of fun. Alas, it pays well. Not well actually, but a mere $7.95 an hour. Alas.

As I'm carrying the crate of milk into the coffee shop, I am again accosted, this time by the Honcho herself.

"Are you okay?"
"Why are you late then?"
"I don't have to open for another 20 minutes."
"No, you open now."
"No, I open in 20 minutes. At 7:45."
"It's 7:55 right now."
"No, it's 7:25."
"Damn! I forgot I set my watch 30 minutes fast!"


I proceeded to take my inventory in and prepare to unlock the gate so my caffiene-loving customers could further their addictions. As I am going to open my till, I realize that the till bag is not upstairs hwere it should be. Funny, if Honcho was opening for me, why did she not bring money? Alas. I had another 14 minutes to spare (since I was 20 minutes early) so I walked out the door to head downstairs and get my till. I shut the automatic locking door behind me.


My keys are sitting on the counter. Pure bliss! I scoped out my situation and decided it was far more important to have the coffee shop open than to have money in the till. I eyed the ominous accordion gate that keeps the customers out. Yes. I can fit through that 12" space between the top of the gate and the ceiling!

For some reason this sounded like a good idea. I proceeded to climb the wobbling gate, get stuck on the top, tear my pants, gash out my leg, and fall to my near death. What a way to start the morning! Within a few minutes, someone was there to deliver my till. I hadn't even needed to go through that pain!

Noel, my wonderful boss, showed up shortly after 9am to take over. The first thing he said to me when he walked in?

"Nakiva, how did you tear your pants?"

There you have it, my friends. One of my many moments of crowning glory.

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