
-Leap of Faith-

why are small steps of faith so hard? why does it feel like a huge leap?

I know I need to trust the Lord, I know I need to let go of this sin, these ashes...but I'm so afraid. I don't know how to trust Him, I don't know how to lean on Him, I don't know how to find my comfort in Him.

I do know how to hold onto this sin, I know how to trust this sin to help me feel better (at least momentarily), I know how to lean on this sin, I know how to find my comfort in this sin.

I'm scared.

Lord, I know this is what you want for me. I know it is. Help my unbelief.

1 comment:

Esther said...

God never asks us to reach the destination at the beginning of the journey, just to trust Him each step of the way. He also doesn't kick us back to the beginning, but meets us right where we are.

Sometimes He does ask us to fight fatigue and to keep moving. It's at those times that we need to take steps forward, believing that, as the lepers did, Jesus will do for us what we cannot do for ourselves.

Hang in there, (((((Kiva))))). Trust God to be your strength, comfort and satisfaction as you take one step at a time.